“My XXXX experience has been amazing this year on so many different levels. It has helped me get out of my comfort zone socially, athletically, and academically. In school I am friends with so many different people and with all different types of personalities. It has been a great way for me to make new friends, and get myself out there. Academically it has pushed me to new levels and all my teachers have been more than supportive with helping me achieve my goals.
I was only three years old when I began playing ice hockey. I started with my two oldest brothers, who at the time were five and seven, on an all boys team and attending clinics. Eventually my Dad started a girls program for the XXXX in XXXX. By age thirteen I was voted captain by my teammates. The following year I was voted to be captain again. While playing for XXXX we won three Division I state championships (me being captain for two of them)! Before the Pre-Prep Showcase® my time was spent on the ice with the Girls 14 and Under travel team and a 19 and Under team as well. Playing with these teams did not give me the exposure that I was looking for. I wanted to follow my dream of playing hockey at a prep school, and the Pre-Prep Showcase® opened all the doors to do so. Thanks for everything! This past year I was fortunate enough to start on XXXX Varsity Ice Hockey Team. Thanks again!”